Monday, March 16, 2009

To quit the death stick : A Poem

cigarette tax just jacked

up $7 a carton

a remedy to the economy

revenues gone, smokers down in flames

recession stress buster up in smoke

the weary can't afford to cling

to the one thing they really know

still less than chemo therapies

but too much to stomach

i need out from the clutch

of the nicotine death stick

its grip on me is tight rope

i am slave to the burning stick of false hope

comfort in tense times

stimulant or relaxant it's all the same

a deadly addictive fix killling its host

i've been down this road

more times than the spinning sun

the patch, the gum, the inhalant, the pill

what will i do this time to free myself

unimprison my body, my mind, my life

to go cold turkey or buy a turnkey video

showing some hypnosis technique

either way

they must go soon

my lungs and wallet can't take anymore

of this addiction bs

my clothes and home stench of smoke

my lungs darkened from the nicotine blunts

the hardest thing i may ever do

the smartest thing i could ever go through

the body is stronger than the mind

in the throws of the nicotine addiction

my heart and lungs

will embrace the oxygen rich fresh air

my mind and body

will go stir crazy without my fix

i need a clean break a moving on

saying goodbye to the coffin smoked nails

that insidiously made their way into my body's home


  1. Excellent poem. You know, since my surgery, I have lost any and all desire to eat -- they need to come up with a surgery that removes any and all desire to smoke. OMG, million dollar idea right there! I'm a genius!!! ;-)

  2. Thank you. Now that IS a brilliant idea. That is a billion dollar idea. I would sign up for that surgery now if they had it! I also wouldn't mind the other surgery to lose my desire to eat but one surgery at a time for me..
