Saturday, January 24, 2009

Revere The Glorious Coffee Bean!

Behold, a roasted nugget of black gold! I bow to the spirit of natural Caffeine, delivered in its human altered form, the roasted bean. Ground, refined and brewed in hot water. Served in its myriad forms.

Dear Beans:
You have added so much joy to my life and to millions of others. We are not sure if lust for you is classified as an official addiction in the DSM-IV, but your beautiful existence brings joy, a heightened awareness and clarity of reality. Your aroma is better than any perfume. Millions awake to your taste each day. Many drink it all day, some all night to stay awake. Whether for utility or infatuation, you are loved the world over. Thank you for being you. And a shout out to our ancestors who nurtured you and cultivated you to be so varied and rich. Consumers of the Bean Unite!
Your Friend, a fan of the bean.


  1. Wow, you really love coffee, don't you? You sound like you're going to buy it dinner, and show it a good time. If you know what I mean. And I believe you do.

  2. I've asked the bean out on many dates..she is just too busy being served to strangers at Parisian Cafe's and being mass consumed as espresso in Italy. I think she has a lot of other boyfriends too. I never knew I could have such feelings for inanimate objects before but this is love!

  3. After watching you with my coffee beans last night, I don't think I want to know what you do with them when you're all alone...

  4. I just love coffee and I appreciate the shrine you have posted to the holy bean! I for one am a fellow follower of the java and I appreciate the homage you have paid the righteous beverage!
