Thursday, February 12, 2009

I need a bath : A poem

I heard on the radio the other day
that love is nothing more than a chemical bath of the brain

The brain becomes ensconced
with natural opiates and endorphins
and other "feel good" serotonin-like compounds

Love is reduced to a set of biochemical reactions through neural networks
a mere cerebral biological event

If this reductionist belief is in fact true

I'm feeling dirty

I need a bath


  1. The chemicals are silent as are the feel there of derived, it's we who add the love.

  2. True that, however the origin of love or it's actions is from the brain, we can only act after the synapsis has fired, our intentions or actions are based upon what has previously occured inside the brain. So we add the love after the chemistry in the brain has done its thing. I find love to a noun, an adjective and verb. It is undefinable in a way, with so many meanings and interpretations. But I do know without it humanity is in-human. Love is ultimate part of our meaning in life. I really appreciate your comments!
