Friday, February 20, 2009


I love the above photo of Waging Peace. What a concept in a world so riddled with conflict and problems. Is it really that hard for people to just get along with each other? It would seem that peaceful coexistence of people, nations and cultures would be the way to go and we could all sleep better knowing peace and less conflict were on the horizon. If the world leaders could focus more on peace than on conflict we would be on the right path.
We share one planet and humans all have much more in common than we have differences. Our diversity should be respected and revered, there is beauty in diversity. Instead of building more weapons we should be building bridges of friendship and good will towards one another. We are all interdependent on each other, we need one another. We need to put the "humane" back into Humanity. I sent out good vibes of positive intentions of peace and I hope you can do the same. If we all change our thinking and focus on peace instead of competition and conflict we can build a better world. Peace to you and to all of our fellow human beings.

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